Fail, Prevail, Give Thanks!

On the second I failed, on the third, I prevail, today I give thanks...

Oh, whatever did I get myself into now. Another opportunity to fail? Yes, I did! As sure as I am that can, I'm also sure I will fail along the way. Two days ago I set myself on yet another course to tango with daily triumphs and failures. I started this 500 words challenge, and what did I do on day two? I failed to write!

On many other occasions, I may have just said "oh well, too late now" and retire myself from my commitment, but not this time. This time I honor the facts, I slacked, on day two, that's it, and move on.

This challenge is about commitment; this "commitment" is about discipline, and this "discipline" is about improvement. On the third, I prevail to improve myself, my habits, my crafts, my future.

As I write and ponder on many started projects, both unfinished and completed, it leads me to today's fitting subject. Gratitude is the prevailing theme for day three, which also happens to be Thanksgiving Day, at least in my neck of the woods (aka the US).

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday, mostly because it's all about food and eating, two of my favorite things. I feel as though I should embed a scene from The Sound Of Music here, but I digress. All jokes aside, from very early on my understanding of this day was one of sharing, cooking, eating and doing it all together with people you loved. (Well, most of the time) 🤪

A big huge Holiday day that had nothing to do with presents getting things, exchanging goods or any other material-ness that can take away from the true meaning of the Holidays; sharing time with loved ones, making memories, being grateful and of course, eating.

Honestly what makes this day extra special throughout our homes, our country, our selves, is we take a bit of time to express gratitude. To give thanks, to remember loved ones, to be vulnerable and show our circles a little extra love. Most of all the one thing that prevails around us on this day is appreciation, gratitude, thankfulness and an overall blessed feeling.

Today I'm extending my gratitude to my failures, to all those projects, moves, plans, ventures and all the crazy stuff I've taken a stab at and failed. To the unfinished, to the "totally fell flat on my face trying" moments, and to all that just hasn't worked; I thank you.

To failure, I say thank you. Thank you for the lessons, thank you for the opportunities, thank you for the new paths you've opened. Thank you for all the new people you've brought into my life, thank you for your persistence. If not for you there is no triumph, no celebrations, no further information to process and no desire to reach new heights.

To myself, I say keep rockin' those failures! Keep this sweet appreciation "for the shit that hasn't worked" going strong as you move forward. Keep failing, keep trying, keep prevailing, keep falling and getting up. For without it there is no success, no purpose, no life.

To this challenge, I say stay committed! Stay true to yourself, fall, get up, write and write some more!

Cannot end without wishing all a super delicious, filled with love and things to give thanks for Thanksgiving!


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