Committed to 500!

Committed to 500! 

Let this new obsession take hold, let my 500 words challenge begin. 

I'll start by sharing my reason for this blog and why keeping it simple is the only way. I came across this "My 500 Words" challenge about a month or so ago. Though my first instinct, was "Yeah, I need to do this," it was quickly followed by 500 other excuses and distractions that derailed me from doing it. 

Why? Oh, why... Because I let the hows get in the way first, then the doubts, likely both intertwined into one and then the many "reasons" (aka excuses) of why it just wasn't the right time or the best idea at the time. So the real reason, fear of commitment, fear of failure, fear of working on my craft, and most definitely a bit of laziness in the mix. 

So what's changed from a month ago? Absolutely nothing, except a few motivating books, a couple of new gigs, and the fact that it (the challenge) came across my lap again. And today, not only was I looking for a "the right" distraction, I was perhaps in desperate need of a nudge, a Universal nudge to re-focus. To re-focus on working on my craft, my gig, my jam. A nudge to push me enough to break through the boredom of the daily grind, the "OPA's" grind. 

Another small and "oh so" powerful change is I have got a newfound appreciation for massive action, and "massive action" has to be "OK" with imperfection. It has to be "OK" with commit now, figure it later, it has to be "OK" with yes. This is where this blog comes in. 

I know there's is absolutely no need to explain myself, my need for this blog, nor my need for simplicity. Yet, I feel compelled to humor myself and indulge the screen in such confession. See, I can easily find 501 excuses all over again. Starting with, but... Where do I put the 500 words? Do I share them? Or are they just for me? Do I use them as content for other things? Do I type them or hand write them? You see now!? These 501 ridiculous reasons, questions, excuses are my reason. 

Commit first, figure it later. Take action, now not then! And if you don't commit publicly, well there may be a chance of slacking. Cause really, who's going to know whether you wrote or not? Heck who's going to care? Blog or no blog that is still the case, but now is public, now is in the eye of the beholder... {insert fake evil laugh}. 

So yes, this super simple blog, this explanation, all of it is my selfish act of commitment to myself! KISS and just do it! 

Look I know you get the point. If there is just a mild chance you are still reading, I understand that you get it. ;). Believe it or not, I get it too, am I "OK" with it all? Am I "OK" with writing and publishing without extensive research and editing? Am I "OK" with likely producing and publishing not the best (or even) good content? No! I am not "OK," but that is "A.O.K.!" I have no other choice because I decided to commit, to action, to better my craft, myself, to push past the doubts of imperfection and because I'm committed to 500! 

Here's to 31 days, 31 posts, 31 topics, 31 chances for improvement, 31 opportunities for connection and 31 possibilities for massive action! 


  1. I like this article. It's interesting. You do a great job connecting with your readers.


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